Office of Councillor Jeff Leiper, Kitchissippi Ward, Ottawa | (613) 580-2485  |
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Archaeology Assessment Work at Rochester Field

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Beginning on Tuesday, November 14th, City staff will be conducting Stage 3 archaeology work in Rochester Field in conjunction with LRT construction. The work will take approximately 10 days to complete, but as always at this time of year, start dates are weather dependent.  

The work will consist of 1 metre by 1 metre test areas being excavated at 5 minute intervals to identify the limits of the site. All the test areas will be dug up by hand, and all the soil will be screened to search for 19th century artifacts. The holes will be approximately 30 centimeters deep and will be filled in to grade with the rest of field once the work is finished.

Any holes that must remain open overnight will be surrounded by protective fencing, and no holes will be left open over weekends. No equipment will be left on site outside of working hours. The crew will be on site between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm each day until completion.

Take a look at the attached map to see where the excavations will be happening so you can plan all walking routes accordingly! 

Posted November 10, 2017